This product is produced by advancedtechnology and using imported acrylate polymers and high quanlitypigment and filler. It is non-toxic and not harmful,belongs togreen environment-friendly product.
•Stirthoroughly the product before use,apply it evenly on the surface ofsubstrate by using A2 or A3 toothed trowel. After short open time of 20-40min,the substrate is ready to accept above flooring material.•Afterthe flooring material is applied on the substrate rub the surface by wood plateand roll by 50kg roller to remove entranced air under the flooring mate-rial.Make sure that adhesive has transferred to the back of the flooring material.•Theadhesive will be dried after 24hrs, and set to foot traffic aft er 48hrs.
■Theoretical application rate
A2 Toothed trowel 280g/m²
A3 Toothed trowel 300g/m²
12 months if stored in 1-40℃。
Theproduct should be protected against frost and direct light duringtransportation,storage and application.Application temperature should not belower than 5℃。